Several new enemy types appear in Seekers of Adoulin. Discover new creatures, pioneer wild lands, and conquer quests on your daring journey.

Heed the call and join players from around the world to become the hero that Vana’diel needs. List of Final Fantasy XI Seekers of Adoulin Enemies FINAL FANTASY XI is an online multiplayer RPG that challenges players to journey through the world of Vana’diel a world of fantasy, adventure, and exploration. The islands around Adoulin contain private Mog Gardens for players where they can raise plants, fish, mine, and harvest materials on the island. Rewards always remain the same in an area.

See Seekers of Adoulin Areas, East Ulbuka Territory, and The Adoulin Islands for more information. The Isle of Adoulin is located to the west of the Middle Lands continents. The Sacred City of Adoulin is the hub of Ulbuka.

Seekers of Adoulin takes place on the continent of Ulbuka. Rune Fencer: Quick with a blade as well as an incantation, these versatile duelists employ the power of arcane runes to sway the tide of battle both offensively and defensively.Geomancer: Harnessing the elemental energies that course through Vana'diel's veins in ways that no sorcerer can, geomancers both aid their comrades-in-arms and teach their foes how deadly the forces of nature can be.